ISIS - Integriertes semantisches Informationsmodell für den Kontext energieeffiziente Stadt
- contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Ebertshäuser
Dipl.-Ing. Gudrun Pinhal
- project group:
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Institut für Angewandte Informatik (IAI)
- funding:
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Förderkennzeichen: 03ET1041A
- startdate:
- enddate:

As studies and market analyses show, the specification of a binding object-oriented data standard for digital city and building models is an essential prerequisite for improving the digital chain (interoperability of the used software) and the communication between the participating actors. Such a model can be used not only as an information base for planners and (municipal) decision-makers, but also via the provision of standardized interfaces as an efficient information technology base for accompanying simulations and optimization processes (e.g. energy simulation tools or energy system models). This represents a core point when it comes to enabling integral planning, especially for complex problems such as planning, evaluating and implementing measures to increase energy efficiency in the municipal context.
The aim of the project is the strategic development of an integrated urban model for the extended application context of municipal energy efficiency. Unlike with traditional geographic information systems (GIS), it should be possible to manage both explicit spatial information and intelligent semantic data. Using this approach, all contextually relevant objects and properties should be convergently illustratable. In addition to building energy data, it includes topologies for the integrated representation of municipal transport and utility networks, as well as information on the stakeholders in the systemic "city+energy" structure (consumers, users, suppliers, etc.).
Based on this smart city model, a model-management system will be developed that will allow relevant actors to have distributed collaborative access to this municipal information and also provide analysis capabilities that will enable multidisciplinary and multicriteria analysis of urban contexts to be carried out (e.g., comparisons of quantity/cost information on performance values with planning variants) as well as the generation of different problem-based views (e.g., personal, functional or process- related).
The model (schema) will be developed on the basis of the practical analysis of the municipal and planning information needs. In addition, concepts for mapping scalable detail and transfer levels (building → city) will be worked out. The prototype to be developed, which in addition to basic model-management functionalities will also offer rule-based analysis model-management functionalities, will make reference to this schema description. Based on exemplary practice data, the model and model server will then be evaluated.